- Factorization Machine are a new model class that combines the advantages of Support Vector Machines
- able to estimate interactions even in problems with huge sparsity
- dual form is not necessary, estimate model parameters directly
the advantages of FM:
- FMs allow parameter estimation under very sparse data where SVMs fail
- FMs have linear complexity, can be optimized in the primal and do not rely on support vectors like SVMs
- FMs are a general predictor that can work with any real valued feature vector. In contrast to this, other state-of-art factorization models work only on very restricted input data
assume we have the transaction data of a movie review system. here feature vectors can be created as follow:
factorization Machine Model
model equation
where in $<\cdot , \cdot>$ is dot product of two vectors
- $w_0$ is the global bias
- $w_i$ models the strength of the i-th variable
- $\hat w_{i,j} :=
$ models the interaction between the i-th and j-th variable. Instead of using an own model parameter $w_{i,j}$ for each interaction, the FM models the interaction by factorizing it. this is the key point which allow high quality parameter estimates of higher-order interaction(d >= 2) under sparsity
FMs can express any interaction matrix W if k is chosen large enough. Nevertheless in sparse settings, typically a small k should be chosen
because there is not enough data to estimate complex interaction matrix W
Parameter Estimation Under Sparsity
FMs can estimate interactions even in sparsity data well because they break the independence of the interaction parameters by factorizing them
straight forward computation of equation 1 is in $O(kn^2)$
with reformulating it drops to linear runtime
after follow reformulation complexity of computation si down to$O(kn)$
moreover we have only to compute non-zero elements, thus the complexity is down to $O(k\overline m_D)$ $\overline m_D = 2$ for typical recommender systems
Factorization Machines as Predictors
FM can be applied to a variety of prediction tasks
- Regression
- Binary classification
- Ranking
regularization terms like L2 are usually added to optimization objective to prevent overfitting
Learning Factorization Machines
the gradient of the FM model is:
$\sum_{j=1}^nv_{j,f}x_j$ is independent of i and thus can be precomputed
d-way Factorization Machine
the two-way FM describe so far can easily be generalized to a d-way FM:
two main advantages:
- The interactions between values can be estimated even under high sparisity. Especially, it is possible to generalize to unobserved interactions
- The number of parameters as well as the time for prediction and learning is linear.
FMs vs SVMs
SVM model
In the following, we discuss the relationships of FMs and SVMs by analyzing the primal form of the SVMs
linear kernel
kernel: $K(x, z) = 1 +
mapping: $\phi(x) = (1, x_1, \dots, x_n)$
is identical to a FM of degree d = 1
polynomial kernel
kernel: $K(x,z) = (
is similar to a FM of degree d = 2
- all interaction parameters w_{i, j} of SVMs are completely independent
- the interaction parameters of FMs are factorized
parameter Estimation Under Sparsity
in the case of collaborative filtering with user and item indicator variables. The feature vectors are sparse and only two elements are non-zero
linear SVM
model is equivalent to
As this model is very simple, the parameters can be estimated well even under sparsity, nevertheless the empirical prediction quality is low
Polynomial SVM
model is equivalent to
the interaction item $w_{u,i}^{(2)}$ has at most one observation in the training data. And thus the polynomial SVM can make no use of any 2-way interaction for predicting.so the Polynomial SVM cannot provide better estimations than linear SVM
- FMs can be estimated well even under sparsity. SVMs can not
- FMs can be directly learned in the primal. Non-linear SVMs are usually learned in the dual
- The model equation of FMs is independent of the training data. Prediction with SVMs depends on parts of the training data
FMs vs. Other Factorization Models
Matrix and Tensor Factorization
MF is the simple version model of FM, which only has interaction parts
SVD++ model:
A FMs can mimic this model by using the following input data:
now the input data set is like this:
the prediction result resolved to three parts:
- bias parts: $w_0$
- linear parts: $w_u + w_i + w_l$
- interaction parts: $, , , <\sum_j^lN_{u_j}, \sum_{k = j+1}^lN_{u_k}>$
re-rank element according to SVD++:
PITF for Tag Recommendation
The problem of tag prediction is defined as ranking tags
input data set is:
the prediction result reolved to three parts
- bias parts: $w_0$
- linear parts: $w_u + w_i + w_t$
- interaction parts: $
+ + $
in the tag recommendation situation, only one difference between two competitor, $vt$
the FM model is equivalent to:
$\hat y(x) = w_t +
PITF and FM are almost identical except
- FM model has a bias term
- the factorization parameters for the tags $v_t$ are shared for the FM model but individual for the original PITF model
the figure shows empirically that both models also achieve comparable prediction quality for this task
Factorized Personalized Markov Chains
input date set is:
where $B_t^u \subseteq L$ is the set of all items a user u has purchased at time t
the prediction:
only score differences between $(u, i_A, t)$ and $(u, i_B, t)$ are used in the prediction is item term
FM model is equivalent to:
difference between FPMC and FMs
- bias
- share item vector
- through m parts joining into a whole matrix, FM is identical to MF
- FM can mimic other specialized models(such as SVD++, PITF, FPMC) well