
Click-Through Rate Estimation for Rare Events in Online Advertising


CTR estimation for rare events is essential but challenging, often incurring with huge variance, due to the sparsity in data


large fraction of Internet traffic while the overwhelming counterparts are extremely rare events


for a given page/ad pair (p, a), with the number of impressions (I) and clicks (C)
the standard estimation of CTR as C/I is inevitably unreliable

Data Hierarchies

$r_i = (C_i + \alpha) / ( I_i + \alpha + \beta)$

Data Continuity

$\hat{C_j} = C_j; j = 1$
$\hat{C_j} = \gamma C_j + (1 - \gamma) C_{j - 1}; j = 2,\dots,M$
where $\gamma$is the smoothing factor, and 0 < $\gamma$ < 1
that is often less effective

we can first do exponential smoothing on impressions and clicks before leveraging the data hierarchy to combine two smooth method together


Leveraging Data Hierarchies with Empirical Bayes Methods

Two assumptions:

  • for each publisher/account pair, there is an underlying/unknown probability distribution of CTR, and the CTR of every page/ad pair in the publisher/account pair could be regarded a stochastic outcome of the distribution
  • for every page/ad pair, we observe the impressions and clicks generated from a distribution of the CTR of this pair

The maximum can be calculated through the fixed-point iteration

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stopping criterion

  • 1000 iterations
  • changes in both $\alpha, \beta$ are smaller than 1E-10

smoothed ctr:

Utilizing Event History with Exponential Smoothing

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Combining Data Hierarchies and Temporal Smoothing

better performance than each individual model alone


Evaluation Metrics

$r$ and $\hat{r}$ are the true CTR and the estimated CTR respectively


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when $r$ or $\hat{r}$ are in extreme values (0 or 1) $D_{kl}$ is not well defined. ignore it

MSE and the average KL divergence in general agree


  • all the page/ad pairs we consider in this chapter have at least 10,000 impressions
  • exclude the publisher/account pairs that do not have at least 10 page/ad pairs

Results on Smoothing with Data Hierarchies

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the more sparser data is the more dramatic effect is

Results on Temporal Exponential Smoothing

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autohome CTR frame

use posterior features + gbdt

func test AUC
hierarchy smooth 0.664616
def value($\alpha=10,\beta=50$) 0.664404
no smooth 0.664340

Results on manual data


  • no smooth
  • smooth with fixed value
  • smooth with calculate value

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as we can see, when tiny sample fixed value smooth is better than no smooth. but if we have hundred samples or larger, fixed value smooth get worse result.