
Faster R-CNN


  • 本文的主旨是将生成proposal的过程也使用神经网络处理,并且共享了classification的中间卷积结果,大大减少了proposal过程的用时


  • 用一个n*n(本文用3)的卷积核在classification的最后一层卷积出来的feature map上滑动
  • 以每个feature为中心生成3(不同尺寸)*3(不同比例)的定长proposal 特征vector(在训练时与图片边界产生交叉的proposal丢弃)
  • 然后在这个vector后面接两个1*1卷积,得出两组结果
    • 一组表示这个proposal有待检测物体的概率(2个数 softmax)
    • 一组表示边界框的位置(4个数)
  • 根据有物体的概率做NMS(阈值0.7)
  • 这种生成proposal的方式具有平移不变性


  • 损失函数和Fast-RCNN一样,也是分类损失和回归损失的结合
  • 构造batch的时候尽量正负样本比1:1


  • 由于做detection的时候要求proposal方式的固定的,这就导致了(暂时)没法让这两个流程一起训练
  • 作者给出了一个4步训练流程
    • 先单独训练RPN
    • 然后用RPN给出的proposal单独训练Fast-RCNN
    • 然后用Fast-RCNN的中间卷积结果,单做RPN的滑动feature map,冻结中间卷积结果,fine-tuning RPN
    • 然后冻结中间卷积结果,fine-tuning Fast-RCNN的卷积结果后面几层(fc层)



简化功能 mAP变化 原因
不共享参数 59.9->58.7 共享训练的第三步,提高了RPN的效果
在训练过程中用SS代替RPN,去除RPN对detection部分的影响(下面的实验都是) 59.5->56.8 由于训练和测试时proposal的不一致
只用top100的proposal 56.8->55.1 只下降了一点,证明RPN的精确度很高
不用NMS 56.8->55.2 证明NMS不仅加快了速度而且不会降低mAP
去除RPN的cls输出, 随机取top1k 56.8->55.8 基本没动,与下面实验对比
去除RPN的cls输出,随机取top100 56.8->44.6 cls输出与proposal是否包含物体高度相关
去除RPN的reg输出 56.8->52.1 物体框的精度主要靠reg输出修正来提高
使用更强大的网络 56.8->59.2 网络结构对结果的影响很大


  • time: 198ms
  • VOC 2007
    • 07 data: 69.9%
    • 07+12 data: 73.2%
  • VOC 2012
    • 12 data: 67.0%
    • 07+12 data: 70.4%


we introduce a Region Proposal Network (RPN) that shares full-image convolutional features with the detection network, thus enabling nearly cost-free region proposals


proposals are the computational bottleneck in state-of-the-art detection systems

re-implement region proposal for the GPU. This may be an effective engineering solution

we show that an algorithmic change—computing proposals with a deep net

our observation is that the convolutional (conv) feature maps used by region-based detectors

  • one that encodes each conv map position into a short (e.g., 256-d) feature vector
  • at each conv map position, outputs an objectness score and regressed bounds for k region proposals


Region Proposal Networks

a Region Proposal Network (RPN) takes an image (of any size) as input and outputs a set of rectangular object proposals, each with an objectness score

  • slide a small network(n * n) over the conv feature map output by the last shared conv layer
  • this vector is fed into two sibling fully-connected layers
    • a box-regression layer (reg)
    • a box-classification layer (cls)
  • this architecture is naturally implemented with an n × n conv layer followed by two sibling 1 × 1 conv layers (for reg and cls, respectively)
  • n = 3 in this paper

Region Proposal Network (RPN)

translation-invariant anchors

while predict k region proposals, there are

  • 4k outputs in reg layer
  • 2k(softmax)/k(regression) outputs in cls layer

  • we use 3 scales and 3 aspect ratios, yielding k = 9 anchors

this approach is translation invariant

a loss function for learning region proposals

positive label:

  • the anchor/anchors with the highest Intersection-over-Union (IoU) overlap with a ground-truth box
  • an anchor that has an IoU overlap higher than 0.7 with any ground-truth box

negative label:

  • IoU ratio is lower than 0.3 for all ground-truth boxes

drop other anchors

loss function for an image is defined as:

each regressor is responsible for one scale and one aspect ratio


we randomly sample 256 anchors in an image where the sampled positive and negative anchors have a ratio of up to 1:1

sharing convolutional features for region proposal and object detection

describe an algorithm that learns conv layers that are shared between the RPN and Fast R-CNN

Why can’t we push them together

  • Fast R-CNN training depends on fixed object proposals
  • training simultaneously maybe not converge

4-step training algorithm:

  • we train the RPN as described above
  • we train a separate detection network by Fast R-CNN using the proposals generated by the step-1 RPN
  • we use the detector network to initialize RPN training, but we fix the shared conv layers and only fine-tune the layers unique to RPN
  • Finally, keeping the shared conv layers fixed, we fine-tune the fc layers of the Fast R-CNN

implementation details

multi-scale feature extraction may improve accuracy but does not exhibit a good speed-accuracy trade-off

box side size:

  • 128
  • 256
  • 512

aspect ratio

  • 1:1
  • 1:2
  • 2:1


  • how to handle the anchor boxes that cross image boundaries?


  • during training, we ignore all cross-boundary anchors so they do not contribute to the loss
  • during testing, however, we still apply the fully-convolutional RPN to the entire image

adopt non-maximum suppression and fix the IoU threshold for NMS at 0.7


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ablation experiments

shared to unshared:

reduces the result slightly to 58.7%

in the third step when the detector-tuned features are used to fine-tune the RPN, the proposal quality is improved

SS in training & RPN in testing:

leads to an mAP of 56.8%

because of the inconsistency between the training/testing proposals

use top 100 proposals only:

leads to a competitive result (55.1%)

RPN proposals are accurate

without NMS:

mAP: 55.2%

NMS does not harm the detection mAP and may reduce false alarms

without cls:

randomly sample N proposals

top 100’s mAP: 44.6%

shows scores account for the accuracy

without reg:

mAP drops to 52.1%

this suggests that the high-quality proposals are mainly due to regressed positions

more powerful networks:

The mAP improves from 56.8% (using RPN+ZF) to 59.2% (using RPN+VGG)

detection accuracy and running time of VGG-16

VOC 07:

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VOC 12:

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run time:

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analysis of recall-to-IoU

It is more appropriate to use this metric to diagnose the proposal method than to evaluate it

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the RPN method behaves gracefully when the number of proposals drops from 2k to 300

one-stage detection vs. two-stage proposal + detection

  • class-specific detection pipeline
  • class-agnostic proposals and class-specific detections

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the one-stage system has an mAP of 53.9%. this is lower than the two-stage system (58.7%) by 4.8%

the one-stage system is slower as it has considerably more proposals to process

